Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Review and #Giveaway - Pair of Glasses from Firmoo (2 winners)

Prescription glasses and sunglasses are quite expensive nowadays, especially if you don't have a health plan to cover the costs. With more online stores popping up, you can now get your glasses for a fraction of the cost! Firmoo is an emerging global online optical store, offering prescription glasses and sunglasses. There are plenty of frames to choose from at affordable prices. Firmoo ships worldwide, and you also get free shipping if you order 2 pairs or more! I received a pair of sunglasses - it came with a hard shell case as well as a travel bag, a microfiber cloth and a screw kit. Pretty fancy! It was shipped very quickly after I had placed the order. I like how the top of the glasses are tinted but when I tilt my head to look down, it's not. Very cool!

GIVEAWAY: I have partnered up with Firmoo to hold a giveaway for not one, but two free pairs of glasses! Not only that, but the more people that enter, the more glasses will be give away. There will be 2 winners of a free pair of glasses each, including shipping. The 2nd prize will also be a free pair of glasses (shipping not included) - one free pair will be awarded 1 out of every 50 people that enter. Plus as 3rd prize, you get a 50% chance of winning a $20 Firmoo voucher. WHAT? So many prizes!

How to enter: All you have do is share this blog post via Twitter, Facebook, forums or any other website. Paste the link of where you shared it below in the comments section.

Entry period: The entry period will end on May 8th, where the sponsor will determine how many additional glasses (on top of the 2 free ones) will be given away and the winners determined by Random.org.

Remember the more people that enter, the more prizes there will be! For more information on Firmoo, check out their website here.

WINNERS:  Istin and  Shaira Gonzales. I have forwarded the winners info to the sponsor - they should be contacting you shortly regarding your prize. If you do not hear from them within a week, please let me know and I will follow up.


Christine Martinsky said...

Hi!! I shared via Facebook, Twitter, and Google +
Christine Martinsky on FB and Google, CAMartinsky on Twitter.
Thank you so much for the opp!! : )

Nyeasia said...

Here is my Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/nyeasia.pippin/posts/439892349359817

loves6cats said...

I posted on Twitter here:
I shared on Google+1 - Margaret MacKenzie

nrobak said...

shared on facebook nikki robak and shared on twitter nrobak101sorry didn't get link

Anonymous said...

Shared it on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/rockbleeder/posts/141692045960731 and on Twitter - https://twitter.com/?utm_campaign=rockbleeder&utm_content=195174916306370562&utm_medium=fb&utm_source=fb#!/rockbleeder/status/195174916306370562. Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...



shirley fin said...


abile27 at yahoo dot com

Maegan Morin said...

I tweeted: http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=11911062&postID=3000839950017727118

Maegan Morin said...

I shared on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=215844561862576&id=100002725914388

megnate at telus dot net

TheMiddleClassMom said...

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Glogirl said...

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Damla said...

Shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweepstakelover/posts/144100205720348

annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com

Debbie Jean said...

facebook under debbie mcmullen

Kristin said...


wowknk at gmail dot com

Istin said...




maku_des said...

Shared via facebook and twitter.

TWEET :https://twitter.com/#!/maku_des/status/198426645294620673

FB POST : https://www.facebook.com/mark.paigna/posts/355291791193842


Anonymous said...

Gfc: Nani
Thanks :)

Econ said...

Hi! I shared via Twitter and Facebook

Name: Ma. Concepcion Margate
FB link: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=343472602385797&id=100003814716656

Tweet link: https://twitter.com/#!/EconLanuzA/status/198449531455684608

Rachel Canales said...

Name: Rachel Canales
email: canalesrachel@ymail.com
Twitter: @rachelchi_beybe
Tweet link:

Ivana said...

Hi! I shared this giveaway via Twitter :)

Twitter name: Iva_mala
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/Iva_mala/status/198779604704575490

Ivana said...

^Sorry, I forgot my email: medena11@yahoo.com

Again, my twitter name: Iva_mala
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/Iva_mala/status/198779604704575490


Shaira Gonzales said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaira Gonzales said...

Name: Shaira Gonzales
Email: shairagonzales@gmail.com

Katherine said...

i shared on twitter!


katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com

Kutak za lakove said...

Hi! I shared this giveaway via Facebook :)

Kutak za lakove
email: kutakzalakove1@gmail.com
link: http://www.facebook.com/KutakZaLakove/posts/219526981495926

Audrey said...

https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?original_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fseapotato.blogspot.ca%2F2012%2F04%2Fpair-of-glasses-from-firmoo-giveaway-2.html&text=Savvy+Shopping%2C+Deals+%26+Reviews%3A+%23GIVEAWAY+-+Pair+of+Glasses+from+Firmoo+%282+winners...&url=http%3A%2F%2Fseapotato.blogspot.com%2F2012%2F04%2Fpair-of-glasses-from-firmoo-giveaway-2.html%3Fspref%3Dtw this was my tweet, and I posted on facebook my fb name is adurden13

*Brittany C* said...

Shared on Twitter!
BritJJ @ yahoo.com


Anonymous said...

shared on twitter

Kat said...


Melody Spence said...

I shared on FB. Here is the link. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Savvy-Shopping-Deals-and-Reviews/173941229382228

Anonymous said...

who won? :)

Istin said...

Thank you for the good news! Cant wait to have those Firmoo Glasses! God bless you and Firmoo! :D