Wednesday, August 08, 2012

A Morning of Handball #TakePart2012

Today was my 2nd Olympic event - handball! I've never heard of handball until three weeks ago, but it's quite an interesting game. Handball is like a cross between soccer (or football for the UK) and basketball. Today's quarter-finals game had Hungary against Iceland. There were plenty of goals scored on both sides, and the most amazing one was with 15 seconds left, there was a penalty shot against Hungary and the goaltender blocked it, while the rest of the team were able to score to tie the game with 2 seconds left! It was quite thrilling to watch. It culminated in multiple 5-minute overtime periods, before Hungary took the match!

To find out more about handball, check out Wikipedia's description here.

Here are a few pictures from the game, as well as a video of one of the plays.

Hungary in white, Iceland in red.

The stadium was packed!

It was just a sea of people outside of Olympic Park.
ArcelorMittal Orbit sculpture.

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